Channel: Inspirational Archives - Refuge Church of Seattle

When Will Enough Be Enough?


Are you tired?

When a 42-year old woman finished her shift sewing for a department store, all she wanted to do was go home.

She spent that night in jail.

You see, in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955, segregation laws were still in place. Black people could only drink from specific water fountains, they could only use the “black” library, and had to go to specific schools.

And, when you rode the public bus, as a black person, you had to sit in the seats designated for blacks – which were at the back of the bus. The seats for whites were reserved in the front of the bus.


The 42-year old seamstress did not get on the bus to cause any issues. She sat in the “black” section, like she was supposed to. But, when the “white” section was full, and a white man wanted to ride the bus, the bus driver decided to add to the white section, and asked a row of blacks to move.

They all moved, except for Rosa.

She refused to give up her seat. Soon, she was arrested and placed behind bars.

When Rosa died in 2005, she became the first woman in history to lie in state in the United States’ Capitol. And, she joined the likes of George Washington and Thomas Edison as the recipient Congressional Gold Medal – the highest honor the US can bestow upon a private citizen.

Rosa Parks became known as the mother of the civil rights movement.

So, why didn’t she give up her seat that day on the bus?

She was worn out.

“People always say that I didn’t give up my seat because I was tired,” wrote Parks in her autobiography, “but that isn’t true. I was not tired physically… No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving in.”

Rosa Parks was worn out and exhausted. Sick and tired of just giving in.

When you get tired enough, you’ll stop giving in.

When enough is enough, you will find the determination to stand.

That determination will change your life… and maybe the world.

The devil loves to keep us sedated enough, that we just go with the flow. We give in, over and over again.

We are conditioned, just like the other three people who gave up their seat, to give in. We are programmed to give in.

We don’t want to. We would prefer not to.

But, it’s what we do.

Until we allow ourselves to get tired of it.

If a Christian ever gets tired of giving in, the world will stop and take notice.

And, who knows? You might just make a difference in more lives than your own.

Lessons Learned from David’s 5 Smooth Stones


David shunned Saul’s armor.

He ignored Saul’s sword.

He turned down the spear.

He walked out onto the battlefield against the enemy’s champion, and his weapon of choice was a sling.

Now, I know Malcolm Gladwell has tried to convince everyone that Goliath was a blind, near crippled soldier who tripped because David’s rock got caught in his armor. (A stupid, unfounded lie just to sell more books)

The truth is, the sling had little chance of winning against a champion with a sword as tall as David, and a shield that probably weighed twice as much as he did soaking wet.

David stops at a brook, and picks out five smooth stones.

Why five?

The Lesson Behind David’s 5 Smooth Stones

Was it a lack of faith?

Did he think that he might miss, and need another chance?

The truth is, David without God could have slung 200 stones and still not have much of a chance to defeat Goliath.

So, why five?

I’m not sure we’ll know that answer until we speak to him face-to-face. But, in my imagination, David wasn’t sure what was going to happen. He wasn’t planning on the first stone being the only one he needed.

David didn’t know how God was going to deliver the giant into his hands.

I doubt David had much faith in the sling he was carrying, or the stones he picked up. He was going on blind faith, and just making use of what he had with him.

There’s story after story like this in the Bible. Like, Moses standing beside a fiery, talking bush, proceeds to list all the reasons he shouldn’t go before Pharaoh. Every excuse had to do with his abilities.

When God responds, somewhat angrily, he asks Moses, “what’s in your hand?”

It was a staff. A glorified stick.

If you were going to make demands of a haughty, world-dominating king, you might want a little more than a stick as your weapon of choice.

But, to God, that stick was more than enough to cancel out all of Moses’ excuses.

That first stone was enough for David, too.

I don’t think it was a lack of faith that caused David to pick up five stones. I think it was calculated.

He was going to march against Goliath, not to just “stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.” He was going to march and do whatever he could do, and leave the rest up to God.

Five stones might be all the time he would have in a perfect fight against such a warrior.

What can we learn from this?

How many times have we approached God for a miracle, but only had one try inside of us?

We go into prayer knowing that if we don’t get what we want the first time, we will just quit and accept the consequences of no miracle.

How many of us enter into a battle, convinced that if it’s “God’s will,” we don’t have to do anything? We’ll just stand by and watch, and if that doesn’t work, it wasn’t “God’s will.”

One of my favorite quotes, and I’m not sure who said it originally, is:

“Faith can move mountains. But, don’t be surprised when God hands you a shovel.”

The point is, David fully expected God to somehow deliver that giant into his hands. But, he didn’t know how. So, he was going to do what he could do and trust God with what he could not do.

We need to stop praying for miracles, and waiting for them to happen. We must put works with our faith, because faith without them is dead.

If we have to go before Pharaoh, we need to bring our staff along and be ready to throw it down.

If we have to fight a Giant, we need to bring enough ammo to make it a good fight.

If we need financial blessing, we need to pray that God provides, then go to work with the blessings he’s already given us.

If we need better health, we need to pray, and pitch in some exercising and eating habits to match.

If you are tired of struggling with a sin or a shortcoming, you need to pray to God for help. And, then behave and act like you’ve already won that battle.

Pray, and then get your weapons ready and go to the battlefield intending to fight.

Arm yourself with 4,000 prayers. Yes, it might get answered on the first one, but even if it doesn’t, you’re still in the fight. And, that second one, might be the one that brings the giant down.

And, finally, when you’ve done all you can do – not when you’re ready to give up, but when you’ve truly no power to change anything – that’s when you can watch God to incredible miracles.

The difference is how you enter the battle.

Are you a one-and-done believer?

Or, are you prepared to give it your best effort, over and over again if necessary?

If you’re in the mood to fight some battles, come to church. We’ll fight them together.

Seven Days Before the Resurrection, Someone Got a Miracle


It’s Sunday, and Jesus waits at the Mount of Olives. Today is a special day – seven days before His resurrection.

In a few days, His disciples’ world would be turned upside down. In a few days, He ​​would be hanging on a tree, paying the penalty for our sins. But, in seven days, He would walk out of the tomb, alive for evermore.

That’s a full week!

But, for now, it’s just Sunday – a Sunday just like all the other Sundays before it. At least, that’s how the disciples felt.

Their Rabbi had taken a pit stop at the Mount of Olives, and sent them on an errand to get a colt. They were about to see quite a show.

“Hosanna to the son of David.”

“​​Hosanna in the highest!”​​​​

As they led Jesus into town, a huge multitude gathered and sang His praises. They cast their coats down before him, building a makeshift red carpet. The King of Kings was riding into town, fulfilling prophecy as He went.

Then, in the midst of all the praises and shouting, Jesus begins to weep. The people were ignorant, and didn’t even know what was going on. And, in a few days, this same crowd would be calling for His crucifixion.

Finally, at the temple, Jesus dismounted and went inside… and went on a rampage. Throwing over tables, screaming like a madman, He cleansed the temple.

Then, the blind and the lame started filtering into the temple, and there Jesus started healing them. One by one, the blind came and received their sight. One by one, the lame came, and were healed.

And, with every healing, with every miracle, the praise of Hosanna rose louder and louder.

Finally, the religious leaders call to Him to stop the praises. And Jesus responds that if the crowd stopped, the rocks would cry out. There was so much glory in Jerusalem that day that creation would have exploded in praise had men refused.

This was Sunday… today.

What was life like seven days before the resurrection? It was full – Jesus was active, and the disciples were feeling the waves of His glory and authority.

We’re coming up on Easter. It’s seven days away.

A lot of people will show up on Easter, the one day they want to go to church. But, that group of people have missed the point entirely. They are like the crowd that gathered around the cross… there for a spectacle, a special service, a celebration… maybe some colorful eggs for their kids.

But, today. Jesus is in the temple. He’s actually there, and He’s healing people!

Why wait another week?

You have no idea what the next few days hold, and they could turn your world upside down.

But, today, Jesus is going to be in the church. And, if you come to Him, He can answer your prayers. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

I don’t know about you, but I’ve got a few “Hosanna” praises saved for today.​​

Having Church 238,900 Miles Away


The greatest scientific achievements in history came from Christians.

That’s right. Atheists like to mock Christianity and position Christians as being “against science.” However, the truth is, Godless science has produced little in the pursuit of science.

In 1968, the crew of Apollo 8 because the first manned spaceflight to escape the earth’s orbit, reach and orbit the moon, and safely return. As they orbited the moon on Christmas Eve, astronauts Bill Anders, Jim Lovell, and Frank Borman recited Genesis chapter 1, verses 1 through 10 on a live radio broadcast back to earth.

Click through to listen to the broadcast….

You’re Not Too Busy for Church

A year later, in 1969, Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong exited the Lunar Module, and became the first humans in history to walk on the moon.

Thanks to an ongoing NASA lawsuit from Madelyn O’Hare over the reading of Genesis on the Apollo 8 broadcast, NASA asked the astronauts not to broadcast anything Christian.

After ending their radio transmission, complete with “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” Buzz Aldrin opened a small package. Inside of that package was a piece of bread and a small cup of wine. There, on the surface of the moon, Aldrin read these words from Jesus:

“I am the vine, you are the branches. Whosoever abides in me will bring forth much fruit. Apart from me, you can do nothing.”

Buzz Aldrin, standing on the moon, took communion to reflect and give thanks to God, and to the knowledge that we can do nothing without Him.

Now, I don’t know about you, but if I’m standing on the moon, there’s a whole lot that I want to see and do. That is, if I didn’t just stand there with my mouth open in wonder.

This is the moment men had dreamed about for years – the moment NASA had been working tirelessly to reach. And, there was so much to do and learn in the short time they would have on the moon. Not to mention, the fearful flight of the LM back to the main module.

And this astronaut had church on the moon.

Today, I know you have a lot of responsibilities. I know you have a lot to do, and work tomorrow comes a lot faster than any of us would like. But, if Buzz Aldrin can take time for church on the moon, it’s not hard for us to have church here on earth.

What Would It Be Like If It Had Never Happened?


The woman with the issue of blood pressed through the crowd. In her weakened state, she would not be denied. She had to touch Him. And, she did.

The blind man cried out at the top of his lungs, “Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me!” And, he did.

Jairus could have sought out a doctor – but instead, he chased down the Great Physician. And, his daughter was raised from the dead.

Some men picked up their sick friend and carried him to church. When they couldn’t get through the door, they climbed to the roof and ripped the shingles off – letting their friend, who couldn’t move his body, down by a rope. And, Jesus healed him.

What if none of that had ever happened?

I don’t guess for us it would make much difference. There would be other stories that replaced those in our Bible. We are told that the world couldn’t contain the books of all the things He has done.

But, think of it from their perspective.

The woman with the issue of blood would have died, penniless and alone.

Jairus daughter would have been buried.

Bartimaeus would have lived out the rest of his life as a blind beggar. ​​​​​​ ​​​​​​

And, the sick friend would never walk by his own power.

What is the common thread of all of these stories? Well, there are a couple of things that are the same throughout every story of faith:

#1: Jesus was there.

When Jesus woke up that morning, he knew exactly where the woman with the issue of blood was. He knew what street he needed to walk down to get near her. And, he knew exactly the right speed to walk through the crowd to give her what she needed to touch him.

Jesus knew Jairus daughter was going to die. He knew she was dying as he was healing the woman from the previous paragraph. And, he knew that by the end of the day, that whole family was going to be rejoicing.

Jesus knew exactly where blind Bartimaeus​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ sat. And, as he passed by, he knew exactly where to walk to get within earshot of his cries.

The point is, Jesus knows where you are. And, He positions Himself to be in the right place at the right time for you. But, Jesus didn’t proactively meet the need. Which leads us to the next point.

#2: They Took Advantage of His Presence

Jesus could have walked up to the woman’s house and said, “be healed.” He could have knocked on Jairus door two days earlier and healed the girl. He could have​​​​​ walked over and put His hand on Bartimaeus’ head and healed him before he knew what happened.

But, He didn’t proactively meet the need.

Jesus proactively positioned Himself – the people are the ones that took advantage of His presence.

What would have happened if Jairus decided to stay home?

What would have happened if Bartimaeus​​​​​​​​ was too embarrassed to keep screaming?

The Point:

​​​​The point is, you can’t sit still and expect Jesus to come and change your circumstance. He positions Himself exactly where you need Him to be, but He waits for you to meet Him there.

Today, Jesus will be stopping by 2312 4th Avenue in Seattle. He’s going to be meeting needs and changing lives. If you have a need, you can find Him there.

By this time tonight, you and your family could be rejoicing.

But what if you decided not to come?

What if you decided to take a day off and stay home?

Well, He’ll still be doing miracles. And, the sun will rise tomorrow. And, ​​​​​​​​​​everyone will go about their life like they always have; including you.

And, we’ll never know the miracle that God had for you today.

What Does the Bible Say About Trials?


In late 1960s, psychologists at Stanford University performed a test on over 600 children. They brought these children into a room and gave them a treat, and a promise of more treats if they could complete the test.

This study became known as the ‘Marshmallow Study.’

They would give a child one marshmallow, and say,

“If you can wait until we come back – we’re going to leave and we’re going to come back in a little bit – if you can wait and not eat this marshmallow, we will give another marshmallow.”

Two instead of one.

“You can eat this marshmallow right now if you want, but that means that you don’t get the extra marshmallow later.”

The results were interesting: some children hid their eyes. Others turned around and tried to not look at the marshmallow. Some started kicking the desk or pulling their pigtails.

And, of course, some just ate the marshmallow right away.

They are kids – marshmallows don’t stand much of a chance.

Of those that did not just eat the marshmallow right away, but they tried to wait for the second marshmallow, only one-third actually made the distance.

Only 33% endured until the end.

In 2012, they revisited this study, and in this case, decided to split their test subjects into two groups:

  • Group number one was given a fulfilled promise right before the study.
  • Group number two was given an unfulfilled promise right before the study.

Of those who had received an undelivered promise prior to the study, most of them ate the marshmallow right away.

Of those that had received a fulfilled promise right before the study, most of them were able to wait until the person came back.

In other words, they found that trust was a major factor.

If the child trusted the person who said, “If you don’t eat this marshmallow until I come back, I will give you another one. I will come back in a few minutes,” if they trusted that that person was telling them the truth, they are much more likely to wait until that person comes back.

Of those that had an unfulfilled promise, when they performed the study, they had no trust.

“Maybe this person’s not coming back. When they come back, maybe they’re going to take this marshmallow away. When they come back they’re going to say, ‘Sorry, you only get one marshmallow.’ I might as well just eat this marshmallow now, ’cause I don’t know what’s going to happen later.”

Can you relate?

All of us are going to hit those dark times.

All of us are going to go through the valleys, where everything just seems to go wrong, and we’re not getting the answers to our prayers.

In those situations it can be easy, especially for someone who is a believer but whose faith is shaken, to get the idea that,

“I should just going to cash out now. I’ve been waiting. I’ve been praying, but nothing’s happening, so I’m just going to jump in and try to make my own way.”

That’s eating the marshmallow.

How many promises of God have we missed out on, because we cashed in on whatever He had given us already and just called it a day, because we were tired of waiting?

We were tired of fighting.

We were tired of the struggle.

Luke 21 says this,

“But before all these things, they shall lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up into the synagogues and into prisons, being brought before kinds and rulers for my namesake, and it shall turn to you for a testimony.”

What Jesus is saying in this passage is that there’s going to be some things that come your way – there’s going to be some intimidating times, some bad times, some dark times – but then He says, “It’s going to turn as a testimony for you.”

Revelations 12 and 11 tells us that we overcome, “by the blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimony.”

We need testimonies.

Testimonies are our power, the thing that gives us trust and faith, fulfilled promises that we take into the trial. If I have testimonies that I look back on and say, “You know what? He kept his word before,” I am much more likely to be able to endure this trial that’s before me.

We have to make it to the end of the test.

We have to make it to the end of this trial.

And, when we do, He’s made promises, He’s given us dreams, He’s told us things that He is going to provide for us, and ultimately, He’s told us He’s going to save us.

We’re going to spend eternity with Him in heaven.

We must endure through every trial.

We need testimonies so we can look back in those times and see where He has come through for us before. We can take that trust, faith, testimony and apply it to our current situation. And then, when the next test comes, you have yet another fulfilled promise.

It’s these testimonies that keep us going.

It’s these testimonies that encourage each other.

Don’t discount the value of victories in your life, especially when you’re in the middle of another battle.

So, if you’re struggling today, if your faith is shaken, and you don’t see a way out, don’t give up!

God is going to come through, and he always shows in exactly the right time. He’s not going to come in and deliver you out of this situation, if it’s going to stunt your growth for something greater, later.

This is a test that’s going to become a victory.

And, you will need this victory, this fulfilled promise, in the future because you will most likely face another battle. You need to understand, in the middle of the next battle that last time, He kept His word. And, He’s going to keep His word this time.

God always comes through with his promises, and He has another marshmallow – another fulfilled promise – another victory in store for you, if you just keep going.

Keep waiting.

Keep trusting.

Do not cash in, and God will deliver you another testimony.

You need this victory. You own this victory as long as you don’t give up too soon.

When You Should Stop Trying…


This week, I was sitting in the little cafe on 4th and Wall Street, finishing up my workday. I usually listen to music while I work, which means having a tab open in my web browser to YouTube.

I also watch a lot of motivational videos, and I guess YouTube decided that I should hear another one when my current “music” video ended.

The video was soft music, and a deep voice reading a poem. I had never heard the poem before, and to be honest, I was too engrossed in my work to really pay attention.

Then, I heard this line of the poem that caused me to pause my work and pay attention:

“If you’re going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start.”

Man, did that hit me like a ton of bricks!


Because I am an extreme case of a dabbler. I play a little guitar, a little drums, a little bass, and little piano… (quantitatively speaking, not referring to size… I play instruments of regular size. Yes, that’s a corny joke.)

Being a “jack of all trades” is great when you want to “do it all,” but the end result is not really mastering anything.

Would you rather play a little piano, and a little guitar, or be really amazing at one of them?

But, musical instruments, honestly, is just one of many areas of my life where I am proficient at many things, but a true master of none.

If you’re going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start.

You can get by in life okay if you’re a dabbler. I have a pretty good career and get paid a salary most people would be happy with. But, secular success means very little.

What about the Kingdom of God?

So many people dabble in the things of God and match time with things of the world. They get familiar enough with God to talk wise about Him, but they never go very deep.

They go to church. They live a “Christian” life.

They do what is traditionally thought of as being a Christian. But, they aren’t consumed by it.

Jesus said,

“If any man come to me and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross and come after me, cannot be my disciple.”

Does that sound like He’s looking for spiritual dabblers?

If you’re going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start.

When was the last time your existence was utterly consumed with Jesus?

When was the last time His business consumed your thoughts from waking to sleeping? And, sometimes, even in your dreams?

Take a look at your life. Take an inventory of your daily planner. What is the recipient of your very best efforts, the most of your time, and the most significant chunk of your budget?

Are you late for church, but on time for work?

Do you stay up to date with your favorite shows, but neglect a daily relationship with prayer or the Bible?

Do you spend thousands on entertainment and luxury, but struggle to give toward the work of God?

Will you stay up nights catching up on work, but limit God to a couple of hours of church every week?

Where are your priorities?

If Jesus was to see your plans, goals, and dreams, would He say you were qualified to be His disciple?

Here’s another thing He said,

“…whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple. “

Do we measure up to that?

Or, do we align our life with our own plans and desires, and tell ourselves that Jesus didn’t really mean it?

We live in a world where wealthy and influential celebrities are hanging themselves. They have everything. They have achieved the pinnacle. They tie something around their neck and jump.


Because they have given their all – they have gone all the way – but for the wrong pursuit. And, when they get to their wildest dreams, they realize it holds no fulfillment.

They lose everything to find their life, and then they lose it too.

If you’re going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start.

What’s the point of 100% selling out to anything? In business, going all-in means reaping the reward of being the best. Only those who give it their all really succeed – at least to the point where we use them as examples in motivating ourselves to achieve.

Selling out to God is not a one-way transaction. Being His disciple is not a one-way street.

When we sell out – when we go all the way – He responds in turn. He is looking for vessels of honor that can hold his anointing.

Every Christian wants His power coursing through us. We want our prayers of faith to be answered. We want to save souls. We want to make an impact in the Kingdom. We want to be David, and Deborah, Paul, and Peter, Jonathan and his armor-bearer.

If you’re going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start.

My prayer is that you let God utterly consume you. That, you make it the very first priority in your life. That Jesus comes first – His purpose comes first.

His Kingdom comes first.

Go all the way! Forsake it all for the Kingdom.

When you lose your life for His sake, you will find it!

How to Make a Difference and Exercise Your God-Given Gifts


Have you ever said the words, “what difference does it make?”​​

That question has one purpose: to point out that the “it” is insignificant and unimportant.

It doesn’t matter.

It has no value.

It serves no important purpose.

It makes no difference.

I’ve been challenged by a test many times in my life, to increase the value of the things I choose to devote my time to. For instance, I write an email to our list every Sunday morning – if it’s not valuable to someone, it’s not worth the time to type.​​

If I stopped writing these emails​​​​, would anyone miss them?

If the answer is no, it doesn’t mean I should quit writing them. It means I should work to add more value so that they would be missed if they ceased to be sent.

Now, let me ask you this question: What difference do you make?

If you just disappeared tomorrow, would anyone miss you?

Of course, your family would. I’m not talking about that. I mean, would your impact on the world be missed?​​​​

Would your impact on the Kingdom of God be missed?

I’ll be honest, over the years I’ve lived for God, I’ve seen people come and go. Some leave, and it’s like they never were there to begin with. Others leave, and there’s a huge hole where they used to be.

Which one are you?​​​​

If you feel like you could disappear without a trace, it doesn’t mean you should give up. It means you should be looking for ways to increase your value in the kingdom of God.

If you feel unimportant in the Kingdom of God, don’t accept that label. Jesus thought you were worth dying for, so that valuation didn’t come from him. And He didn’t die for you to sit around and wait for death.

He died for you so you would set the world on fire for Him.

Are you making a difference?

If your answer was no, that doesn’t mean you can’t.

Not knowing how is not the same as not being able.

​​Every born again believer has a built-in capacity to feel the heartbeat of God. He died so that every person on this planet could live. But as the world plummets toward hell, believers everywhere are sitting on church pews feeling like they are insignificant.

If you are insignificant right now, it doesn’t mean you should be. Rather than allowing the feeling of insignificance chain you into passivity, let it be the alarm bell that calls you into action.

You can make a difference.

If you don’t know how to start, that’s okay. Just don’t take that as the answer.

​​Seek the answer of how.

Every single person that walks the face of this earth​​​​ in their right mind has a gift. This gift is yours, and is as unique to you as your facial features and personality.

There are others that might have similar gifts, but no one has your exact gift. You were fearfully and wonderfully made with that gift.

If you do nothing with it, humans may never notice. When asked what difference you make, they might say “not much.” If you do nothing, you may be able to disappear without a trace as the Kingdom of God marches on without you.

But, do you know who notices those of great potential who do nothing?

God does.

​​He made you and called you and placed you strategically into His story. He has the purpose lined out, and when you fulfill God’s purpose, it creates shockwaves through this space rock we call earth.​​​​​​

Want to matter?

Want to make a difference?


Then, do something.

Don’t overthink it. Just find something you can do for God, and do it with the intention of doing it for Him.

The easiest thing is to consider your talents. What are you good at? What do you like to do?

More than likely there is something in there that you can use for the Kingdom of God.

Are you a nerd that loves board games? Start a small group for others like you. Have a night where you play board games and a have a devotional time together. The purpose can’t be so you can have fun playing games. The purpose must connect with God’s desire to reach those gamers. You are building relationships with them so that you can influence them to live for God.

It really can be that easy.

Too many people associate working for God as preaching, singing, leading church groups, etc. And, there’s always a need for that.

But, not everyone is cut out to do that. But everyone is gifted for a particular purpose. Seek yours. Ask for it. And, you will find it.

The bottom line is. Just do something.

God turns our little attempts at something into great things.

Most of the people that accomplished great things didn’t set out to accomplish great things. They just did something, and God took that something and made awesome out of it.

David just took some bread and cheese to his brothers.

Moses just went to watch a burning bush, and took off his shoes.

Gideon was just hiding from the enemy, threshing some grain.

Peter was just fishing.

What are you doing?

If you’re doing nothing, the hard truth is you don’t matter. You are insignificant. You won’t be missed much.

But, if you start doing something, that ceases to be true. And, you become an impact, a difference maker, a servant in the Kingdom of God.

And, when you skip off this world, you will leave behind a gaping hole where your “something” used to be.

What Are You Lookin’ At?


Target fixation can be deadly.

Target fixation is an attentional phenomenon observed in humans, in which an individual becomes so focused on an object they inadvertently increase their risk of colliding with that object.

It’s mostly observed when operating an automobile. Even when a driver’s life depends on missing an object in their path, if they fixate on that object, they are much more likely to hit it.

In other words, you are likely to collide with whatever you are looking at.

So, what are you looking at?

A lot of people get caught up in their day-to-day lives and get fixated on all the things they need to get done right now.​​​​ The tyranny of the urgent has them running from one thing to the next, and they never slow down enough to live.

Some get caught up in the pain they are feeling right now. They fixate on it, and end up living in it rather than moving past it. They can’t see their life beyond the pain; thus, they stay in the pain.

A few get fixated on other people.​​​​ They can’t enjoy their lives because they don’t take the time to be grateful for their own blessings.


​​Because they don’t want their blessings, they want the blessings of the people they are fixated on.

In a nutshell, there’s no shortage of things to focus on in your life. And the things you focus on is your choice.

You have the ability to look at something else.

Here’s a thought: what if you could look at something and experience pure joy?

Would you want to see that?

What if you could look at something at finally experience peace? Would you want to see it?

What if you could see healing? Or blessing? Or happiness? Or fulfillment?

I promise you, if you would fixate on Jesus, those things are byproducts.

If you fixate on Him, I guarantee that you will eventually collide with Him.

And when you do, your life will change.

If you’re struggling, it’s not that Jesus is further away from you. It’s probably that you’re no longer looking at Him.

Take your eyes off the thing that’s bothering you, causing you pain or stress, and focus your eyes on Jesus.​​​​

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I promise it’ll get you moving in the direction you need to go.

If you want to fix your perception, come to church tomorrow. I guarantee a collision with Jesus. 😁😁

God Bless,
Pastor Scott

P.S. Our new address is 1715 NW Market Street, Seattle, WA 98107 – and church starts at 11:15 AM.

There Is No Other Champion


Jonathan and his armor-bearer fought the Philistines. A great victory was won, but where were the other champions?

David slew the giant Goliath and won a great victory. But, where were the other champions?

The 3 Hebrew Children stood strong and were thrown into the furnace. They also won a great victory. 

But, where was Daniel?

There Is No Other Champion

Benaiah faced off a 7’6″ Egyptian, even though it was spear against club, the Egyptian died, and a great victory was won.

But, where were all the good guys with spears? Surely, Benaiah wasn’t all by himself with just a club.

What about Shammah?

He was of David’s Mighty Men, and had the honor of being regarded as one of “The Three,” that had the most renown. 

When the entire Israel army retreated from the Philistines, Shammah faced them alone and won. 

But, where were the other 37 mighty men?

There was another time the Israel army retreated, and one man stood alone, this time it was Eleazar, who fought so long his hand cleaved to the hilt of his sword.

But, where was Shammah at this point?

Over and over again, we see the Bible highlight something that God did through a human being. In every instance, there are others that could have joined in. But, they didn’t.

Does this mean David was a coward because he didn’t stand with Shammah?

Does it mean that Shammah was lazy because he didn’t want to fight with Eleazar?

Do you really think, out of the entire Israeli army, that the armor-bearer was the only one that would have willingly fought (and possibly died) by Jonathan’s side?

I don’t believe it for a minute!

The point I’m trying to make is, as long as we’re on this earth, God will be using people in amazing and mighty ways to accomplish His will. He’s performing miracles for people who take steps of faith.

But, what has He done through you lately?

He can use Shammah, but I wonder what the story would be if Eleazar had decided, “eh… let Shammah do it!”

How many heroes of faith have never done anything heroic because they left it up to other people?

How many people have lived and died comfortably never knowing the fear of the battle, nor the thrill of the victory?

You can’t have one without the other.

You can’t have a miracle without an impossibility. 

You can’t have a healing without an ailment. 

You can’t have victory without a fight.

You can’t have a testimony without a test.

Sure, there are always those who seem to do greater things than us. Benaiah won a fight with two Moabite heroes. He kills a lion in a pit on a snowy day. He defeated an Egyptian giant with only a club. 

And the Bible says about Benaiah, “but he attained not to the first three.”

Good job, Benaiah. Those other guys did better!

But, those other guys weren’t in the pit with the lion.

And they didn’t appear to help out with the two Moabite war heroes. And, they didn’t lend a hand against the Egyptian giant when Benaiah could have really used a spear.

My point is, God uses people for His purpose, to bring the victories He has planned for the moment. And, while there may be people God seems to use more strongly, they aren’t fighting the battle you’re facing. It’s your battle, this time.

You can either run away like everyone else. Or, you can pick up the sword and stand firm.

There are people all throughout Seattle waiting for some heroes to do something heroic. Something no one else has done.

Your friends at work, who else is going to pray for them?

The guy sitting at the next table in the coffee shop, who else is going to invite him to church?

Who else is going to fill the role God called you to?

Nobody but you.

Who else is going to occupy your seat at church today?

Who else is going to sing your praise?

Who else is going to thank Jesus for the mercies and blessing in your life?

Who else is going to stand in the gap for your friends and family?

Who else is going to clap their hands?

Who else is going to dance your dance?

Nobody but you.

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